Directed by Alice Tatge and Therese Steele, DYAD is a dance/live art performance. The piece is a work on duality and is an exploration into the elasticity of boundaries and the overlapping of identities. Performed at the Freud Museum, London.
Directed by Alice Tatge and Therese Steele, DYAD is a dance/live art performance. The piece is a work on duality and is an exploration into the elasticity of boundaries and the overlapping of identities. Performed at the Freud Museum, London.
Documentary directed by Alex Gabbay exploring the nature, role and relevance of empathy in society today.
Uniform is a trio comprised of Alice Kemp, Yoshi Shinagawa, and Wajid Yaseen, presenting improvised electroacoustic performances.
endlessly mutating lineup :
Sexton Ming, Ludella Black, Bongo Debbie, Dick Scum, Wajid Yaseen, Kim-Leigh Pontin, Lolo Wood, Ashley Davies, Kirsten Reynolds, Rob Lewis, Lewis Richardson, Roger Carne, Debbie Smith, Professor Blinding, GG Jailbait, Mickey Hampshire, Terry Edwards
Documentary directed by Alex Gabbay : conversations on consciousness.
Directed by Athina Vahla
A rich and evocative piece of dance theatre inspired by the intrigues of Renaissance art. In Praise of Folly is pervaded by a powerful sense of beauty coupled with a constant potential for destruction. The work draws its theme from Erasmus’s In Praise of Folly, a satire based on the religious and political state of Renaissance. Commissioned by Candoco Dance Company, presented at Queen Elizabeth Hall and toured nationally and internationally.