voiceNoise : improvised collaborative performances

voiceNoise : improvised collaborative performances

At Musica Dispersa, London:

With Joel Cahen at MK2 Gallery, London :

With Colin Hacklander and Frederik Olofsson at NK, Berlin :

with Guy Harries on Resonance FM, London :

With John Mackenzie at Stubnitz, London :

With Colin Hacklander at Piksel, Bergen, Norway:

With Joel Cahen at Wetsounds, London:

With J Milo Taylor and Joel Cahen at Antitesi, Sicily, Italy:

With Franko B at the Muse Gallery, London:

With Hanna Røskaft at The Red Rose, London:

With Suka Off at Torture Garden, London :

Concerto for Voice & Machinery 2

Concerto for Voice & Machinery 2

Concerto for Voice & Machinery II was a one-off performance specially commissioned by the ICA as part of their re-enactment programme. I re-enacted the role of Frank ‘Fad Gadget’ Tovey.

Directed by Jo Mitchell

I Am A Believer

I Am A Believer

i am a believer

A live-art performance piece directed by Reza Aramesh, choreographed by Tom Dale, exploring themes of migration, desire and power, particularly their relation to issues of cultural constructs in our society. The piece is based on the Changing of the Guard ceremony and involved thirty-two men using the symbolism and movements of the actual ceremony brought in the middle of Trafalgar Square.